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miércoles, 20 de abril de 2011

Freelance Writer University Review.

Freelance Writer University Review.

How Is This Possible

If all of this sounds too good to be true, let me put your mind at ease by showing you the reason why this is all possible:
The #1 thing all online businesses need in order to survive is more people visiting and buying from their websites. Think about it...the more people who go to their site, the more sales they can make...simple enough right?
Now here's where you come in:
Since 90% website visitors come from the major search engines (Google and Yahoo)...the more content pages a business has, the more times one of it's pages (articles) will show up in the search results when a potential customer does a search...
Which is why...

These businesses are starving to put up
as many content pages as possible!

They know that the more content pages they have on their site, the more people they will get to click over to their site, and the more money they will make.
And because these business are too busy doing other things, they will gladly pay YOU top-dollar for writing simple articles, blog posts, and even fiction and non-fiction short stories...for them!

How Much Can You Make?

Don't let the easy nature of this opportunity fool you, because even though the work is dead-simple, the pay is amazing!


If you wrote 3 articles a day @ $10 per article = $210 per week or $840 per month or $10,080 per year!
If you wrote 5 articles a day @ $10 per article = $350 per week or $1400 per month or $16,800 per year!
If you wrote 8 articles a day @ $20 per article = $1280 per week or $5120 per month or $61,440 per year!

Work As Little (or as much) As You Want!

This is one of the best things about this program.
You get to choose exactly how much you want to work!
Maybe you just want a nice, easy part-time income from home?
No problem!
Just write one or two short, simple articles or blog posts every day and you'll be bringing in several hundred dollars of cold hard cash per-week, almost effortlessly!
Or maybe you're a bit more serious, and don't mind writing 3-5 articles per-day, a few blog posts, and a short story here and there...
Because doing the above will easily earn you upwards of $1,000 every single week!
Or maybe your the "highly motivated" type who wants to go full-time and start working from the comfort of your own home - while not just replacing - but exceeding whatever income you were making at that life-sucking day-job...
Then simply write 4-6 articles, 3-5 blog posts, and one or two short stories each week-day, and you will find yourself raking in a life-changing $2,000, $3,000... even as much as $4,000 each and every week!
And you never have to worry about finding enough writing jobs, because with Freelance Writer University....

The Jobs Come To You!

That's right. As soon as you log-in to our exclusive, members-only area, you will get to choose from 1,000's of article / writing job offers, neatly organized by the type of writing each company desires...
That's 1000's of companies ready and willing...right pay you amazing well for the specific content writing tasks that they urgently need done for them.
And with dozens of new writing jobs being added each day, you will never run out of great, high-paying content jobs to sign up for, which means there's...
No looking for jobs
Never a shortage of jobs...
It's a never-ending supply of high-paying,
simple and easy writing jobs that come to YOU...
And if you're worried that you might not be the best writer, or that you never attended any college or higher-learning does NOT matter one bit!

These Companies Don't Care Who You Are, Where You Live, Or Your Level Of Education

The writing tasks you'll be doing will be so easy an 8-year-old child could do them...
You just follow the simple instructions that come with each job...and everything you need to complete the job will be right there for you!
And with Freelance Writer University...

You Get Paid FAST!

At Freelance Writer University we only accept companies that pay our members instantly, as soon as a job is completed, so you never have to wait to get paid.
Direct Deposit, Check Payment, PayPal...whatever you want, you will be paid immediately for every writing job you do, so you can enjoy your new freedom, hassle-free!

Getting Started Is Easy!

Click the "Complete Registration" link below to finish creating your profile. Then you'll get to register with all of the companies we have listed in our private access database. The more companies you register with, the more article, blog, and short story jobs you'll get to sign-up for and the more money you'll make.  It's as simple as that!